Tag: frame-relay
Multilink PPP over Frame Relay

Scenario: You are the senior network engineer working at a major frame relay ISP somewhere in Europe. One of your customers requests the company to run authentication over their frame relay connections and they would also like to…
Read More »Multilink PPP Link Fragmentation and Interleaving over Frame Relay

Scenario: As one of the network engineers for a large frame-relay provider in the US you are asked by your boss to configure QoS. One of your customers insists there will be authentication in the future for his…
Read More »MQC Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic Shaping

Scenario: As one of the network engineers for a large frame-relay provider in the US you are asked by your boss to configure QoS. Whenever there is congestion there is a certain amount that could be dropped from…
Read More »MQC Frame-Relay Traffic Shaping

Scenario: As one of the network engineers for a large frame-relay provider in the US you are asked by your boss to configure QoS. He wants you to get in shape by configuring traffic shaping for frame-relay. You…
Read More »MQC Frame-Relay FRF.12 Fragmentation

Scenario: As one of the network engineers for a large frame-relay provider in the US you are asked by your boss to configure QoS. Some of the larger frames should be fragmented to prepare for a future VoIP…
Read More »MQC Frame Relay DE Marking

Scenario: As one of the network engineers for a large frame-relay provider in the US you are asked by your boss to configure QoS. Whenever there is congestion there is a certain amount that could be dropped from…
Read More »MQC Class-Based Traffic Shaping for Frame-Relay

Scenario: You work for a large provider in India as a senior network engineer specialized in Quality of Service. All the customers of the service provider have an Ethernet connection which is capable of delivering speeds up to…
Read More »Frame Relay DE Marking

Scenario: You are the owner of a small ISP company located in The Netherlands. Most of the equipment you have running is fairly old and you have multiple different serial links in use. Bandwidth is an issue and…
Read More »Transparent Bridging over Frame Relay

Scenario Your work for a large ISP that still has some old frame-relay equipment. One of your customers wants their sites to be directly connected. Since you know frame relay pretty wel you know you can setup some…
Read More »PPP over Frame Relay

Scenario You are a network engineer specialized in frame-relay. The ISP you work for has a new security policy and wants that all frame-relay connections run authentication. Unfortunately this is not possible so you prepare to configure PPP…
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