CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1


This is the first CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting scenario based on the official Cisco CCNP TSHOOT topology. This lab is pre-configured and “broken” so you can learn how to troubleshoot a full network. Before you start with this lab I highly recommend you to study the topology, you can find the PDF in the attachments. Below you will find the troubleshooting tickets for you to solve!


  • Everything is pre-configured for you.
  • Do not use show run! (this will spoil the fun 🙂 use the appropiate ‘show’ and ‘debug’ commands. This will teach you the skills needed to become a true troubleshooting master.
  • Ticket #1: One of the users was working on Client1 but he’s complaining that there is no connectivity. He left a comment that he saw a message on the windows taskbar that said something like “no network connectivity”. One of your colleagues looked into the problem and told you it had probably something to do with DHCP.
  • Ticket #2: After fixing the issue with Client1 you receive another ticket that users from VLAN 10 are complaining that they are unable to connect to the FTP server.
  • Ticket #3: Your users are happy that they can connect to the FTP server but they are still unable to reach the webserver.
  • Ticket #4: The IPv6 team left a ticket for you that they are unable to reach 2026::12:/122 from DSW1 or DSW2.

It took me 1000s of hours reading books and doing labs, making mistakes over and over again until I mastered all the troubleshooting issues for CCNP.

Would you like to be a master of troubleshooting too? In a short time without having to read 900 page books or google the answers to your questions and browsing through forums?

I collected all my knowledge and created a single ebook for you that has everything you need to know to become a master of troubleshooting.

You will learn all the secrets about troubleshooting OSPF, EIGRP, BGP and everything else you learned for CCNP ROUTE and SWITCH.

Does this sound interesting to you? Take a look here and let me show you how to Master CCNP TSHOOT





Configuration Files

You need to register to download the GNS3 topology file. (Registration is free!)

Once you are logged in you will find the configuration files right here.

Opt In Image
Do you want your CCNA or CCNP Certificate?

The How to Master series helps you to understand complex topics like spanning-tree, VLANs, trunks, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP and more.

Written by René Molenaar - CCIE #41726

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About the Author: Rene Molenaar

René - CCIE #41726 is the creator of where he shares CCNA, CCNP and CCIE R&S labs. He also blogs about networking on


  1. Oh, I have been waiting for this!!! I’m sure since you just posted, that the things people are talking about are coming soon. This is great!!

    Looking forward.

    You know, I really don’t have a life, I just hang out here waiting for labs! Ha ha.

    1. The attachments are now here, I forgot to publish them (oops!). I think this lab will be great for learning how to troubleshoot. It’s more difficult than what you’ll have to do on the CCNP TSHOOT exam.

  2. It is not working "Dynamips error" connection lost
    I used for – c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12 .

  3. hi rene
    after editing file, i got error "invalid destination interface"

    pl suggest me


  4. This lab was AWESOME!!!!!!
    Again I almost gave up not using show run!…. well… I have to admit that I took a little look on DSW1 to figure out about the static mac address ;P (I totally missed that one!) but besides that I solved it fair and square 🙂

    I almost missed BGP on this one, I was going to create a default route to ISP until I looked at BGP as a routing protocol on R1!

    I loved the frame-relay mess! ipv4 and 6! that was a challenge! (Daisy-chain DLCIs, who on earth would ever do that!? hahahahahaha)

    Thank you Rene, this was an incredible lab! I spent some time on it! I really feel more confident on getting my TSHOOT Cert.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Rene thanks a lot for these wonderful Labs, they are really helpful and they also test your networking understanding…..thanks once more.

  6. Thanks RENE, but it does not works on GNS3 windows, I’ve tried c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12.bin.

    any suggestions?

  7. [color=gray]Thanks RENE, but it does not works on GNS3 windows, I’ve tried c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12.bin.

    any suggestions?[/color]


    you have to edit the network file and place the rigth path for the working directory and the IOS directory, after you fix that it’ll work on windows 😉

    Good luck!

    1. Guys, I`m using the propper path and c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12.bin which runs fine apart from this lab and I get this:
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/4 to DSW1 f1/4 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/5 to DSW1 f1/5 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device DSW1
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/6 to ASW2 f1/6 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/7 to ASW2 f1/7 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device ASW2
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/10 to ASW1 f1/10 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/11 to ASW1 f1/11 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device ASW1

      *** Error: errors during loading of the topology file, please correct them
      Reset error, lost communication with hypervisor?

      Please help!!!

  8. Hi Rene,
    I start the final config, but the client can’t get the IP address from the DHCP server. It’s really strange for me. I can’t find the solution to fix it. I made the PART (you know why part) of this lab on Packet tracer and it’s working. Could you please check or explain why the client’can’t get the IP address.

    Thank you

    1. I could but there are many components in between that could cause the issue. What did you verify / exclude what the problem could be? You can also take a look at the sample of my TSHOOT book. You can read the chapter where I walk through the troubleshooting of this lab for free.

  9. I have opened this lab up a number of times. I have a MacBook Pro, and all the labs on gns3vault have worked. Now, this lab doesn’t open. Here is what I get: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

    Then I get the “connection lost” message and the topology doesn’t start. Any help would be great. Thanks.

    1. HI rdm1860, I had the same problem and fix it when add the
      sparsemem = True for all routers.
      Please check .

      1. Not sure I follow, is that in the ?
        And, I am assuming that you are aware that I am doing this on a Mac.

        Thanks for clarifying.

      2. I added that line to my topology, see below comment where I subsequently added AFTER the idlepc value, on next line.

        I now just get "connection lost".

        This must be a hypervisor issue, but I cannot figure it out.

        1. So Rene was right again! I had duplicate aux ports int the file. Much better to run on gns3 for Mac than on gns3 for windows INSIDE vmware fusion!

  10. The lab has worked fine( only some edits are required in the .net file). Rene you are really a great guy. Now I am pretty confident that I will be able to nail down the CCNP THOOT EXAM in near future. Rene, thanks a lot for these superb labs.

    Ravi Parkash Sharma
    From India

    1. I’m using a mac. What edits would be recommended? I have never had to edit any other lab. This is the first that I have had issues with.
      I edited the I now am getting an error in the console as follows. below the console error, I will show my corrections to the “.net” file. This is the only lab I have issues with.

      GNS3 management console. Running on GNS3 version 0.8.3
      Copyright (c) 2006-2012 GNS3 Project

      => Local IOS image /Data/GNS3/IOS/C3640-JK.BIN cannot be found, use image /Users/GNS3/IOS/C3640-b-uncompressed.BIN instead
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2100 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2101 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2102 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2103 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2104 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2105 is already in use
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/4 to DSW1 f1/4 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/5 to DSW1 f1/5 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device DSW1
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/6 to ASW2 f1/6 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/7 to ASW2 f1/7 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device ASW2
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/10 to ASW1 f1/10 resulted in:
      invalid destination interface
      *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/11 to ASW1 f1/11 resulted in:
      attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device ASW1

      *** Error: errors during loading of the topology file, please correct them
      Reset error, lost communication with hypervisor?

      autostart = False
      workingdir = /tmp
      udp = 10200
      image = /Users/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN
      ram = 192
      idlepc = 0x60bf8ba0
      ghostios = True
      [[ROUTER R4]]
      model = 3725
      console = 2008
      aux = 2100
      cnfg = configs/R4.cfg
      wic0/0 = WIC-1T
      wic0/1 = WIC-1T
      wic0/2 = WIC-1T
      s0/0 = FRSwitch 4
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      f1/0 = DSW1 f0/0

  11. Please find the edited .net file.The fields to be edited are "workingdir" , "image", "idlepc", "console" & " aux " as per GNS3 config in your PC.

    autostart = False
    version = 0.8.3
    workingdir = C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp
    udp = 10200
    image = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Images\c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-4.XC4.bin
    ram = 192
    idlepc = 0x602accfc
    ghostios = True
    [[ROUTER R4]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2005
    aux = 2102
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\R4.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    s0/0 = FRSwitch 4
    slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
    f1/0 = DSW1 f0/0
    slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
    f2/0 = DSW2 f0/0
    x = -87.3984489161
    y = 1.9827560573
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER R1]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2002
    aux = 2103
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\R1.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-2T
    s0/0 = FRSwitch 1
    s0/1 = ISP s0/0
    x = -76.4608947566
    y = -239.093975133
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER R2]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2003
    aux = 2104
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\R2.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    s0/0 = FRSwitch 2
    x = 12.371103706
    y = -151.048773235
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER R3]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2004
    aux = 2105
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\R3.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    s0/0 = FRSwitch 3
    x = 5.977705423
    y = -64.3969696197
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER ISP]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2000
    aux = 2109
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\ISP.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-2T
    s0/0 = R1 s0/1
    s0/1 = Webserver s0/0
    symbol = cloud
    x = -378.587878479
    y = -257.01428535
    z = 1.0
    [[FRSW FRSwitch]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    2:201 = 1:102
    2:203 = 3:302
    3:302 = 2:203
    3:304 = 4:403
    4:403 = 3:304
    1 = R1 s0/0
    2 = R2 s0/0
    3 = R3 s0/0
    4 = R4 s0/0
    x = -95.6507575951
    y = -137.586832458
    z = 1.0
    workingdir = C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp
    udp = 10300
    image = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Images\c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-4.XC4.bin
    ram = 192
    idlepc = 0x602accfc
    ghostios = True
    [[ROUTER Webserver]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2026
    aux = 2114
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\Webserver.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-2T
    s0/0 = ISP s0/1
    symbol = server
    x = -520.063058585
    y = -282.792459943
    z = 1.0
    hx = -21.0234375
    hy = 68.0
    workingdir = C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp
    udp = 10000
    image = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Images\c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-4.XC4.bin
    ram = 192
    idlepc = 0x602accfc
    ghostios = True
    [[ROUTER ASW1]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2019
    aux = 2110
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\ASW1.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    slot1 = NM-16ESW
    f1/2 = DSW1 f1/2
    f1/3 = DSW1 f1/3
    f1/4 = Client1 f0/0
    f1/5 = Client2 f0/0
    f1/10 = DSW2 f1/10
    f1/11 = DSW2 f1/11
    symbol = multilayer_switch
    x = -386.0
    y = -53.0
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER ASW2]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2021
    aux = 2111
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\ASW2.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    slot1 = NM-16ESW
    f1/4 = FTPServer f0/0
    f1/6 = DSW2 f1/6
    f1/7 = DSW2 f1/7
    f1/8 = DSW1 f1/8
    f1/9 = DSW1 f1/9
    symbol = multilayer_switch
    x = -383.585786438
    y = 204.221825407
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER Client1]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2014
    aux = 2107
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\Client1.cfg
    f0/0 = ASW1 f1/4
    symbol = computer
    x = -512.0
    y = -131.0
    z = 1.0
    hx = 1.4765625
    hy = 60.0
    [[ROUTER Client2]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2016
    aux = 2112
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\Client2.cfg
    f0/0 = ASW1 f1/5
    symbol = computer
    x = -514.0
    y = 8.0
    z = 1.0
    hx = 0.4765625
    hy = 60.0
    [[ROUTER DSW1]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2010
    aux = 2108
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\DSW1.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    f0/0 = R4 f1/0
    slot1 = NM-16ESW
    f1/2 = ASW1 f1/2
    f1/3 = ASW1 f1/3
    f1/4 = DSW2 f1/4
    f1/5 = DSW2 f1/5
    f1/8 = ASW2 f1/8
    f1/9 = ASW2 f1/9
    symbol = multilayer_switch
    x = -220.265764646
    y = -53.1286796564
    z = 1.0
    workingdir = C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp
    udp = 10100
    image = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Images\c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-4.XC4.bin
    ram = 192
    idlepc = 0x602accfc
    ghostios = True
    [[ROUTER DSW2]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2012
    aux = 2106
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\DSW2.cfg
    wic0/0 = WIC-1T
    wic0/1 = WIC-1T
    wic0/2 = WIC-1T
    f0/0 = R4 f2/0
    slot1 = NM-16ESW
    f1/4 = DSW1 f1/4
    f1/5 = DSW1 f1/5
    f1/6 = ASW2 f1/6
    f1/7 = ASW2 f1/7
    f1/10 = ASW1 f1/10
    f1/11 = ASW1 f1/11
    symbol = multilayer_switch
    x = -222.691125497
    y = 203.214466094
    z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER FTPServer]]
    model = 3725
    console = 2023
    aux = 2113
    cnfg = C:\Users\hp\GNS3\Projects\CCNP-TSHOOT\CCNPTSHOOTEXAM\CCNPTSOOTEXAMTT1\CCNP TSHOOT Troubleshooting 1\configs\FTPServer.cfg
    f0/0 = ASW2 f1/4
    symbol = server
    x = -507.0
    y = 141.0
    z = 1.0
    hx = -16.703125
    hy = 67.0
    configs = configs
    m11 = 0.707106781187
    m22 = 0.707106781187
    [[NOTE 1]]
    text = "VLAN 20 – /24"
    x = -569.665476221
    y = 249.868578389
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 2]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -230.221825407
    y = -264.029437252
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 3]]
    text = "BGP AS 65002"
    x = -566.221825407
    y = -192.029437252
    font = "Arial,16,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
    color = "#323232"
    [[NOTE 4]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -188.221825407
    y = -5.02943725152
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 5]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -255.221825407
    y = 72.9705627485
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 6]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -164.221825407
    y = 111.970562748
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 7]]
    text = "VLAN 10 – /24"
    x = -585.221825407
    y = -44.0294372515
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 8]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -3.22182540695
    y = -204.029437252
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 9]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -1.22182540695
    y = -111.029437252
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[NOTE 10]]
    text = "BGP AS 65001"
    x = -170.221825407
    y = -309.029437252
    font = "Arial,16,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
    color = "#323232"
    [[NOTE 11]]
    text = " /30"
    x = -8.22182540695
    y = -4.02943725152
    color = "#0000ff"
    [[SHAPE 1]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -605.0
    y = 103.0
    width = 250.0
    height = 250.0
    fill_color = "#ffff00"
    border_style = 2
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 2]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -56.0
    y = -36.0
    width = 196.0
    height = 85.0
    fill_color = "#3baaa6"
    border_style = 2
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 3]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -46.0
    y = -126.0
    width = 196.0
    height = 92.0
    fill_color = "#00aaff"
    border_style = 2
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 4]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -47.0
    y = -229.0
    width = 196.0
    height = 96.0
    fill_color = "#0055ff"
    border_style = 2
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 5]]
    type = rectangle
    x = -569.0
    y = -299.0
    width = 158.0
    height = 141.0
    fill_color = "#00ffc8"
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 6]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -606.0
    y = -149.0
    width = 250.0
    height = 250.0
    fill_color = "#00ff7f"
    border_style = 2
    z = -2.0
    [[SHAPE 7]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -105.0
    y = -287.0
    width = 288.0
    height = 377.0
    fill_color = "#aaffff"
    border_style = 2
    z = -3.0
    [[SHAPE 8]]
    type = ellipse
    x = -329.0
    y = -90.0
    width = 336.0
    height = 354.0
    fill_color = "#00aa00"
    border_style = 2
    z = -3.0

  12. couple of comments. Everything on this lab is great!

    1. It’d be fun to add the topo again with new problem tickets.
    2. GNS3 doesn’t play with vlans well, or vtp so one has to use the vlan database to adjust that.
    3.The L3 topology is mis-labeled between DSW1/DSW2 and R4.
    should be and /30 respectively.

    Taking TSHOOT Monday.

  13. I am running 0.7.4 Mac OS X 10.8.2 and am trying to bring up the tshoot I am using a 3745 model with the following IOS image – C3745-advipservices9-mz.124-25c.bin. I am getting the
    message – Could not connect to server. Is the mixture of OS and
    software correct?

    1. You are going to have do some edits in textedit to file. If you read my issues above, I had similar problems. I edited the aux ports to be different ports for each instance. There are other issues that you may need to address like the length of the file paths, no spaces in the paths.

      I’m assuming that you uncompressed the file like with other labs?

      Also, read online, once you get it going, that there are special ways of addressing the switching commands on GNS3.

      Good luck, once I got it to work on my Mac, I made excellent progress.

  14. Please advise on these errors trying to start the lab and unable to resolve this on my own..

    *** Warning: Connecting R4 f2/0 to DSW2 f0/0 resulted in:
    206-unable to create UDP NIO
    *** Warning: Connecting ISP s0/1 to Webserver s0/0 resulted in:
    206-unable to create UDP NIO
    *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f0/0 to R4 f2/0 resulted in:
    206-unable to create UDP NIO
    *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/4 to DSW1 f1/4 resulted in:
    invalid destination interface
    *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/5 to DSW1 f1/5 resulted in:
    attempt to connect to non-existent interface in slot 1 on device DSW1
    *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/6 to ASW2 f1/6 resulted in:
    invalid destination interface
    *** Warning: Connecting DSW2 f1/7 to ASW2 f1/7 resulted in:
    attempt to connect to

    1. Hello,

      I have read all the other comments and all aux ports do in fact have different numbers, but I am still getting the aux port already in use error. Any ideas?

    1. It’s been a while since I read the comments on this lab. It seems that the MAC has something running on the ports that GNS3 uses for AUX. You can change these. I also recommend to use the C3725 router and not the C3745, this might cause issues.

      In the future I’ll add more labs like this one, with new tickets to troublshoot.

  15. Thanks Rene – these labs are just what i was looking for. Tshoot is a funny exam to prep for as you really need broken labs to start with, not build them fro scratch like you do for route & switch.
    I was having the same problems with the ios not being found then the aux ports not working. The advice here worked for me, i changed the path in the .net file for the IOS then had to change the values for the duplicated aux port no’s. Now i got it working in windows i may try and get it going in Linux as well as windows does not run GNS as well as Linux IMO

    1. You are welcome. Linux shouldn’t be a problem as I built these labs using Ubuntu.

  16. Dear Brother i am having a problem in loading the GNS3 IOS file you have mentioned. it is giving this error

    Local IOS image/Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN
    cannot be found for hypervisor

    then in the end it asks for alternative image:
    even if i will select alternative image it does not work
    please help


  17. Dear Rene
    i am having a problem in loading the GNS3 IOS file you have mentioned. it is giving this error

    Local IOS image/Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN
    cannot be found for hypervisor

    then in the end it asks for alternative image:
    even if i will select alternative image it does not work. I am using window 7
    please help


  18. how can i load the configs to Gns3? i am new to gns3 and trying to figure out how to do that. i can load the topology on there but no configs …

  19. First off thanks for the time and dedication to creating/updating this website, it’s truly appreciated.

    quick question, I only noticed now, lol, that you have NAT at the top i’m gessing for internet access somehow you wanted us to nat 192.168.x.x to the, not sure, but i just leaked a default route to the rest of the network incluing vlan10 on the switches below and this solved my problem (with the exception of adding default information originate to the ospf routers and a null0 route in R1) I also had to force ospf in R4 to redistribute matching external and internal routes. I’m not sure if this is what you wanted, but it works. Only downside is that the ISP knows all the lan routes including my switches vlan interfaces, which is usually not optimal. lol..


    1. You have done great work here. One thing though. What are these static mac addresses that are added to DSW1 and DSW2 configs. Where do they come from and why are they needed? Can the switches not learn them dynamically.

  20. In attempting to solve ticket 1, I got lost and after hours, paused to ask what I was doing. I guess I am trying to say it’s easy to get lost into it. Closed everything, and I am going to have another go.

  21. Got it! Ticket 1 that is. Decided to do a separate DHCP troubleshooting lab on this site too, when I figured that one out, I was able to solve this one. Well seems i fixed ticket 2 while at it 🙂

  22. Pls advise as i get an error message when i try to load the topology. i have loaded the same IOS image and still no luck. If there is anything i can change please let me know what to do to get it working

  23. Hi Rene,

    Its not working for me…below is the error.

    GNS3 management console. Running on GNS3 version
    Copyright (c) 2006-2012 GNS3 Project

    => Local working directory /tmp cannot be found for hypervisor, use working directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp instead
    Local IOS image /Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN cannot be found, use image C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\GNS3 642-902 Test Sims\C3725-AD.BIN instead
    Local working directory /tmp cannot be found for hypervisor, use working directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp instead
    Local IOS image /Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN cannot be found, use image C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\GNS3 642-902 Test Sims\C3725-AD.BIN instead
    Local working directory /tmp cannot be found for hypervisor, use working directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp instead
    Local IOS image /Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN cannot be found, use image C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\GNS3 642-902 Test Sims\C3725-AD.BIN instead
    Local working directory /tmp cannot be found for hypervisor, use working directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp instead
    Local IOS image /Data/GNS3/IOS/C3725-AD.BIN cannot be found, use image C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\GNS3 642-902 Test Sims\C3725-AD.BIN instead
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2100 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2101 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2102 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2103 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2104 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2106 is already in use
    *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
    aux port 2105 is already in use

    *** Error: errors during loading of the topology file, please correct them
    Reset error, lost communication with hypervisor?

    1. the error is shown to you right at the bottom.

      [b][i]*** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2100 is already in use
      *** Warning: received dynamips server error:
      aux port 2101 is already in use[/i][/b]

      If you open the file in notepad (or notepad++) (my favorite), do a search and replace for:
      aux = 210

      there is this line for every device in the config but for whatever reason the original file has the same aux port number on at least 2 devices and this config has 15 devices.

      what you need to do is search the file and starting from the top change all of them so the numbers are sequential

      aux = 2100
      aux = 2101
      aux = 2102
      and so on until you change all of them. should only be 15 of them to change.

      then open the GNS3 app and click on EDIT>>PREFERENCES and click on Dynamips to left of window. look for the BASE AUX PORT: and change it to start at 2100 TCP. default in windows looks like 2501. Or you can leave this alone and change the numbers in the file and start the port numbers from 2501 down the line for all devices.

      any c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124 ios image should work but try to use the highest ios version you can find. I am using c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.bin

      Once you have your ios setup in GNS3, place 2 c3700 routers on a blank page and connect them via serial and start them. click CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to open up the windows task manager so you can monitor performance as you now have to set the IDLE PC value. Once you get that done and your cpu drops to 0 or very near it then you are good to go.

      Note1: It looks like he created this topology under Linux O/S or similar as you will notice in the .net file all the paths have a forward slash /.
      No need to change anything here because GNS3 recognizes the change and modifies the file. Once you successfully open the lab topology and save it, if you reopen the file you will see all the paths changed to whats on your PC.

      Note2: apart from this issue, I find that changing the "working directory for dynamips" helps.
      change it to C:\GNS3_TEMP

      click the TEST SETTINGS when you have made your changes. APPLY>>OK.

      Open up the topology from the lab here and everything should be smooth sailing… hope this helps.

  24. [b]I start gns3 topology and at start it gives me connection lost error
    ………………..I have read All comments and applied all Things but still scratching my head .[/b]

    Sir rene Plz help me out

  25. Rene sir,

    Please help tried everything but not working…u can share the topology JPG image with the ip addressing will get the topology build and then import the configs for them..


  26. Hey Guys, I managed to get the lab working, i used the IOS image below, not sure where you guys can download it as it was given to me by a friend. Try googling it, it works:


    Good luck

  27. Hi rene,

    Today somehow managed to built the topology by my own taken 2 platform of routers…2691 and 3725 and built it with same config as urs..seems solved the DHCP part of it…working on 2nd ticket…


  28. finished solving this topology…took me 3 days…mainly becoz of my laptop RAM …can not handle 13/14 devices at a time….Anyways it was gud..tx rene…

  29. If some of y’all are still having problems getting the files to work then I suggest checking out this post by Rene:

    He even has a video at the end.

    Thanks Rene for taking the time to create this lab (and all of the others)! I did all my ccnp switching using two 2950s and two 3550s – so it’s a little weird navigating through the c3725’s IOS set as the four switches. I could rewrite the configs and use my real switches but then I’d probably spot the problems real quick defeating the purpose of this lab (i.e. don’t use “show run”). 🙁

    But thanks again for taking the time to set these labs up! Cheers!

  30. help pls, i’m experiencing issues loading the lab, getting connection lost, when trying to load the .net file, any clues pls ?

  31. Thank you very much for the great lab Rene.
    But i am facing issue where clients 1 and 2 are not getting ip addresses from DHCP server . I saw similar comments from Polinoma .

    Rene and Polinoma
    Can you please help me rectifying this issue .

  32. I’m having the same issues like others with Client 1 & 2 not getting an IP address even after loading the Final Config files.

    It’s a shame as it is a grate lab. I practice the TShoot lab on my real hardware lab but like to have the option of doing the lab while on the road.

  33. Thanks a lot for Renne These wonderful information, thanks to you now I am CCNP R & S. Once More ….guys do not hesitate to buy the material is paper gold Renne…

    [b]I studied from Renne books for all exams…[/b]

  34. If you experience issues with the topology esp with aux ports try using ravi p sharma’s topology.

    After spending 4 days, without reading all the comments above, I finally used that and it worked perfectly!! If only I had seen it earlier!!!!

    Would also like to add used 3725, it just makes everything so much more simple.

  35. Hi everyone!

    any progress on how to solve the issue with importing lab into gns3? I gave up, it could only work if you have exact same physical topology with matching interfaces. Hey, Rene, why don’t you publish the topo image with interfaces shown so that first we can build the right topology and load the equipment with config files.

  36. I tried the netbrain to build the topology, but you’re obviously using some tricks to make incorrect so to speak, so netbrain produces some odd output.

    Please put the interface id you’re using in your lab


  37. Thank you very much for your great labs and book.
    Today i passed the exam with 1000/1000.

  38. Hi Guys

    Does anyone have any ideas about how to solve the "lost connection error". I am tying to open the lab on windows 7 and I keep getting this error. I have downloaded the c3725 image Rene instructed we should download but it does not open. Any help.

  39. can anyone answers these questions?

    1. What did we create vlan 200.
    2. why didn’t we create vlan 10 and 20 on ASW1 and ASW2 ?
    3. Do we need to provide IP addresses on Vlan 10 and 20 on ASW1 and ASW2?
    4. Do we need to configure EIGRP on ASW1and ASW2 switches?

    I think the diagram is not clear, it should be.

    Kindly help.

  40. I am unable to load this topology in GNS3. Getting connection lost error. Please help

  41. – did you setup the image in gns3 first?
    -please post all the steps you did in gns3 to try and make this config work..
    -what O/S are you using?
    -if possible, take screenshots of your gns3 setup so we can see how you have it setup. without enough information, it is hard to give help.

    you also need to take a look at the console in gns3, the bottom part of gns3, and copy and paste all the errors that are in there to this site so we can all see whats going on.

    There are errors in the original file. Here is a link to replace the one you downloaded with the one I fixed.
    Just delete and replace with this one. Then as long as you have a c3725 image setup in gns3 it should work. Dont forget to setup IDLE-PC !!! Just start about 3 or 4 routers and wait a minute or two then do the idle-pc.

    The only errors in the file are duplicate entries for aux = 2xxx

    no need to change any other lines. this is because as long as you have the image setup in gns3 and everything else in gns3 is working, then once you open the topology and SAVE, gns3 makes the changes in the file according to what settings you have setup in the gns3 program itself. so, just download the fixed file below..

    Click [url=]here[/url] to download.

    Once you replace the file and try to start it for the first time, it will ask you which image to use. Just select the one you saved and after it loads up, save topology in gns3. Thats it !!

    1. Thank you very much pcdocta !

      your suggestion helped me ,,,,


  42. After a little bit of hair pulling I finally managed to get this lab up with no errors in gns3. After looking at ticket 1 and trouble shooting it for an hour or so I finally broke down and cheated and looked at Rene’s answer in the TSHOOT book. Well I had already done what was suggested there and it still wasn’t working. I’m noticing a few odd things though on DSW1. I’m not used to looking at an ether switch module slotted in a router so I’m not sure if this is normal behavior or not. I noticed when I do a show ip int bri on this device it says all the vlan interfaces are up but the line protocol is down. So when you try to do a show standby to troubleshoot the next ticket it tells you hrsp is stuck in the init state because the interfaces are down.

    Also, when looking at device ASW1 I’m assuming that workstations 1 and 2 are plugged into ports f1/4 and f1/5 since the other active ports are used for etherchannels. When I do a show vlan-switch on this device it only shows the default vlans…no vlan 10, 20 or 200. I discovered this when I noticed int f1/4 was in vlan 200 instead of vlan 10 where it should be for the workstation. I thought maybe this was why i wasn’t getting a dhcp address so i had tried to move it to vlan 10 and was informed there was no vlan 10. Anyone else seen this or do i have something incredibly pooched here?

    1. I have the same problem, all SVIs are up/down, no vlans on switches and i can’t even add them . This lab is useless for me…

    2. Hi

      The reason why the vlan interface shows down is that fact that with ether module the vlans get saved in a file "vlan.dat" When you load the topology you need to recreate the vlans.

      The interface vlan is there but no Layer 2 vlan exist. You need the add them from Privilege mode:

      DSW1#vlan database
      DSW1(vlan)#vlan 10 name CLIENTS
      DSW1(vlan)#vlan 20 name SERVERS
      DSW1(vlan)#vlan 200 name MANAGE
      DSW1(vlan)# exit (NB)

      Do this on all switches…

  43. hi Rene ,

    I am unable to run this topology on my system ,,,, I have the same ios running in gns3 ,, but at the end it does not upload the topology and gives the error of connection lost ,,,, please help ,,,

  44. I have same problem as avesimasud above. Its a shame cant get it working as site looks great and would help me finish my CCNP. As I am not the only person experiencing these problems would it be possible to get any definitive advice on how to load the topology into GNS3?

    1. if you only bother to READ THE POSTS ABOVE you will see that even avesimasud said thank you that he was able get it working. READ READ READ THE EFFIN POSTS and stop being lazy

  45. PCDOCTA my apologies for being so hasty in my comment. I was in panic mode as I found Tshoot very different from switch and route. Glad to say it is working now having downloaded your modified network file and many thanks for your interest and help to people here..appreciated. Jezza in Dublin

  46. [b][/b]I already have the solution for problem with Hyperversor error.

    You should change:
    Aux: 2001-2012 in your topology and Remember change it in Preference/Dynamips too.




  48. Hi all

    I am a bit stuck on the 3rd ticket. There is no default route to the BGP network from ospf. I can do a redistribute bgp (I dont think this is a good idea especially if you receive a lot of routes from the ISP. To redistribute all that routes might make the router slow) or using a static route with the default information cmd. There is not specified what is the company policy would like us to do.

    THANX for all your great labs, I enjoy them more that World of Warcraft 😛


  49. Hi Guys,

    SVI Vlan 20 and 10 are continuously fluctuating on both DSW1 & DSW2 due to which EIGRP is also fluctuation. Is it a issue or is it due to my Core i5 PC with 4GB of RAM ?

    Also I am stuck at 2nd Ticket. Any hints ?


  50. Hy Guys!

    I have a problem with R1. It stops booting at this point:


    %Software-forced reload

    00:00:07 UTC Fri Mar 1 2002: Breakpoint exception, CPU signal 5, PC = 0x60BFDBF4

    Possible software fault. Upon reccurence, please collect
    crashinfo, "show tech" and contact Cisco Technical Support.

    -Traceback= 0x60BFDBF4 0x60BFC184 0x6001C564 0x6001CBBC 0x636756E4 0x62915CDC 0x628F468C 0x628F4FC4 0x628F4F3C 0x628F5B04 0x62928FBC 0x62933A20 0x62920BD0 0x6293DF70 0x6293E2F0 0x61C77C70

    But all routers have same parameters (IOS version, memory size, NVRAM size, Disk0 size) Does anyone experienced this problem?

    P.s.: Rene, all labs are fantastic! 😉

  51. I seem to have the same issue too :s… I’ll let you know in case I’ve found a solution for this issue

  52. Concerning the errors received on R1 the problem can be solved by increasing the amount of memory to be used by the router from its configuration tabs.
    Other than that Rene you did a great job by creating such an amazing lab !! I admit there was some useless static routes that I got out of the way, and some frame-relay issues.
    I cannot thank you enough, you’re one hell of a Lab Professor ! 😉

  53. You have to register on this site and login then you will see the topology for download.

    1. I just added the attachment. Forgot to do this during the migration.

  54. I solved this and was reviewing the final configs to see if my solutions were the same.

    They were not but I’m confident after loading the final configs, there is at least one omission.

    On R4 you have to redistribute EIGRP into OSPF or there is no route back to the clients.

    I’m still researching but I still haven’t figured out why both nssa options “default-information-originate” and “no-summary” were needed. For me one or the other worked.

    Excellent lab….much much harder than the TSHOOT exam and on the exam, you have to use SHOW RUN because debug does not work. If you you resort to SHOW RUN like I did after being frustrated for a day….it’s still harder than the Exam.

  55. Hi Rene Molenaar
    Pls keep up the good work

    Without “show run” is like your hands are tied ….but its really difficult but if you do so the real life/exam would feel easy

    Are you planing to upload any video solution to all/some Tshoot Labs ?


    1. Pretty much anything 12.4(15)T or thereabouts. 12.4M will work for most non-MPLS, non-DMVPN Phase 3 things too.

  56. Great looking lab. I can get the lab to load but if I do a show run I only see the base configs, no addressing or configuration parameters applied to the devices.

    I am running GNS3 on Windows 7.0. Do I need to do some editing?

    Thank you,


  57. Just downloaded GNS3 1.2.1 and the above posted files(3) do not work with it. The error I get is,

    Server error [-3200] : Dynamips executable C:\Program Files\GNS3\dynamips doesn’t exis

    Even though dynamips is properly path’ed and a new topology works without any dynamips errors. But loading this one does(provide error).

    Mr. Molenaar, please configure the files to work with the new GNS.
    A big thank you!

  58. Hey Rene. I have downloaded and run this on GNS3 version 1.2.1 There are links missing to the frame relay switch and some of the configs haven’t been done

  59. now that problem is resolved but CPU goes 100% with c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14 this image any clue?

  60. i am running version gns3 1.2.3 . I am missing links and rx errors that aux con port already in use….

    1. Hey Chris,

      Could you pls advise what u have done to resolve ur connectivity issue. I am also running newer version 1.3.13 and i cant see links either.

      Thanks in advance.

  61. Hey! Thanks so much Renee. This is a great lab. I rebuilt it from scratch so I would really know the ins and outs in preparation for the big exam next week (TSHOOT). As per a comment I saw on the Packet Pusher Podcast, I am going to use this lab, and have my boss or co-worker go in and break something random a few times each day, so I can tshoot it in preparation! Great stuff Renee! Thanks again.

    One note: I had trouble pinging past the ISP to the web server, even with converged BGP. I ended up adding a default route on the WebServer router pointing back at the ISP’s WebServer-facing interface. I’m still wondering if I missed something else….oh well.

  62. Finally got the lab working in latest GNS3, but really stuck on ticket 1.

    -I figured out that the dhcp pool in R4 was misconfigured.
    -I had to cheat and use “show run” on DSW1 to see a bunch of static entries for MAC addresses coming from ASW1 that needed changing.
    -I figured out that ASW1 didn’t have switchport access vlan 10 associated with the interface going out to Client 1
    -HSRP group 10 between DSW1 and DSW2 did not have the same virtual gateway…made sure both were set to
    -set default-gateway on client1 to

    So far, DHCP is still not going through

    1. Ah! I got it.

      -Client1 doesn’t get a gateway since it’s broadcasting for everything, so “no default-gateway” to get that out of there.
      -Broadcasts can’t cross subnets, so DSW1 needed to be a relay. put the “ip helper-address” command on the vlan10 interface.

      DHCP is up. Man, this is a good lab.

  63. R4 can only ping 226 can’t see route for ,anyone come across this issue ,where could be issue ,as R3 is able to ping help if possible strange can’t see route for /29 but able to see /30 route for

    1. I have the same exact problem.

      Funny thing is, I could swear it was working fine up until I saved all my configs to start-up config, saved the lab, and reopened later. I’m not seeing anything in the configs between R4 and ISP nodes that could be causing this.

      I did an ip nat debug on R1 and watched R2 and R3’s addresses get translated when I ping from them, but pinging from R4, nothing shows up in NAT debug.

      This is really weird, and annoying. It’s stopping anything from the EIGRP side from getting through.

    2. sanjeevl,

      Stick this in your R4 config for now until a better explanation is found:

      ip route
      ip route

    3. sanjeevl,

      Is your area 34 on R3 and R4 set up as NSSA or TOTALLY NSSA? If its just NSSA that could be your issue. I changed mine to Totally NSSA and that fixed my issue.

  64. I configured everything from scratch, i did the IPv4 Layer 2/3 Topology on Packet Tracer 6 and the Ipv6 Layer 3 on GNS3

    Issues to solve where:
    Client 1 was not in Vlan 10
    Trunks between Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches were not allowing Vlan 10
    HSRP configuration for Virtual Gateway Address was wrong on DSW1
    DHCP Configuration-Wrong Network Address used
    EIGRP passive Interface
    Hello-Interval of 7 causing no Adjacency for ipv4 OSPF
    Wrong Access-list for NAT on R1
    BGP config btwn ISP and R1 were wrong
    The Tunnel Source was missing on the IPv6 ticket

    Gret Lab, i salute you

  65. Hi Rene,

    I have this error everytime I load up the load and I can’t seem to solve it

    GNS3 management console. Running GNS3 version 1.3.7 on Windows (64-bit).
    Copyright (c) 2006-2017 GNS3 Technologies.

    => Server error from ISP: TCP port 2104 already in use on host
    Server error from R1: TCP port 2101 already in use on host
    Server error from R2: TCP port 2102 already in use on host
    Server error from R3: TCP port 2103 already in use on host
    Server error from R4: TCP port 2100 already in use on host
    Server error from Webserver: TCP port 2105 already in use on host

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